042 - October - 2021

On this bite-sized episode of the Milk Check, Ted Jr. and Ted III take a look ahead to discuss one of the industry’s most pressing questions: how will deflating premiums and rising labor and manufacturing… Listen here

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041 - August - 2021

Will the U.S. dairy market grow fast enough over the next five years to sustain 2% milk production?  The Milk Check crew welcomes back directors Don Street and Diego Carvallo and Jacob Menge, our futures… Listen here

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040 - July - 2021

Last year didn’t end up being too bad for the dairy industry. Even still, a massive milk supply and reduced processing have caused terrible premiums, and some producers are starting to feel the pain. While… Listen here

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039 -

The dairy producer feels like they’re between a rock and a hard place as premiums remain low while feed and shipping costs keep going up. “So, what do we do about it,” T2 asks on… Listen here

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38 - June - 2021

Market analyst Sarina Sharp, of Dairy Business News, joins The Milk Check crew to talk about the lacking rain in the West, labor shortages and demand expectations for the second half of the year. While… Listen here

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037 - May - 2021

We welcome our Jacoby trading team back to discuss the rapid increase in milk production so far in 2021, compared to 2020 in which the national herd decreased by 30,000 cows.  Don Street, our director… Listen here

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